As most of you already know, we're selling our Honda CBR 954RR. It's a bitter-sweet goodbye. Before Brian ever brought a single bike home I forbid him to buy one. I've always wanted to ride but never thought it was worth the risk. The selling point for me was the fact that I could ride on the back with my hubby. I hate driving, period. I'd rather be chauffeured around. I think Brian and I finally found common ground when it comes to motorcycles. We both enjoy riding and it's a good way for us to get away for a few hours. However, after my little "accident" we've decided that it's better to sell the bike and wait until Kyler is older to purchase another one. I must also add that my shoulder is 80% healed. The human body is amazing. It doesn't look half as bad as I thought it would! Anyway, let's get back to the point of this blog.
Last night was our LAST ride for a long time. We met up with about 20 people and rode up garden hwy to a taco place next to the American River and ate dinner. Bike night is now a distant memory and so is staring at the pavement while riding a wheelie out at 100mph. LOL! Brian and I both love dangerous stuff and I'm afraid Kyler does too. I'm really going to be in trouble when he's older because I'll have two crazy boys instead of one!
Goodbye sweet bike of ours!