Last night I was cleaning our bedroom when I noticed that Kyler was trying to muscle his newborn swing out of the corner. He wanted to play with it so badly that he was throwing a fit! So, being the mama that I am, I pulled the swing out, set it up, strapped him in, and let him swing for about 10 minutes. He absolutely loved it! He had a grin from ear to ear almost the whole time. I gave him his afternoon bottle to see what his reaction would be and he was actually falling asleep. What a cutie pie! I decided that it probably wasn't a good idea to let him get reattached and put it away. He was so upset! He cried for a solid 15 minutes, and of course I gave in and set it up again in the living room. He played with it for about 20 minutes and I put it away again. I was so afraid that he would fall out of it and hit his head on the wood floor. He's so rough! With that said, his swing is on craigslist. He has officially said his final goodbyes. Poor little man!
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